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Oil Field Production Automation / Nondestructive Testing and Corrosion Monitoring
Agricultural Monitor and Control Systems / Biomedical and Environmental

These projects represent what we could develop for you!

Oil Field Production Automation:

Fluid level instrument using sonic pulse reflection technology with automatic calibration for speed of sound changes within an oil well casing. (See IPS) images/DSCN0548.gif (426753 bytes)
Pressure buildup logger and analyzer to assist with determining oil and gas reserves in a formation including smart pressure sensors with built-in digital calibration table to improve linearity and extend temperature range. (See IPS) images/DSCN0546.gif (327164 bytes)
Controller for oil well automation monitoring and control with intrinsically safe input / outputs for connection to sensors in Class I Div I hazardous locations with radio or telephone link to host, special inputs for continuous dynamometer and pump rod load monitoring, software to determine pump-off and control pump duty cycle or provide control signal to a Variable Frequency Drive. (See IPS) images/DSCN0504.gif (367664 bytes)

Nondestructive Testing and Corrosion Monitoring:

System for detecting leaks in underground storage tanks using vacuum technology and a pressure, temperature, water level, and hydrophone probe that is lowered into the tank to control the test. (See Tanknology)
Hand-held data logging instruments for use in hazardous gas environments for monitoring a variety of internal corrosion sensing probes including Microbially Induced Corrosion, Hydrogen absorption pressure, Electrical Resistance, and Linear Polarization Resistance for measuring real-time corrosion rates in pipelines and process vessels. (See Caproco) images/DSCN0395.gif (291538 bytes)
Ferroscope - remote field eddy current instrument for measuring wall thickness of metal piping to look for corrosion wear, pitting, and cracking. (See Russell NDE Systems)

Agricultural Monitor and Control Systems:

Energy management lighting control system includes ASIC based dimmable controllable electronic ballasts, zone controllers, and central control computer that can have a direct link to Utility companies to assist with demand side management by load shedding. (See NegaWatt)
Flare stack igniter electronic control module operates on very low power for remote battery or solar charged sites but produces very high output spark energy with thermocouple feedback for pilot detection and error interlock output. (See Sunn96 ) (42k pdf) images/flarestackpic.gif (7829 bytes)
Line painting controller for roadmarking. images/road.gif (25058 bytes)
Compucool ventilation controller for confinement livestock facilities, Computemp shower controller for confinement livestock facilities images/DSCN0370.gif (161879 bytes)
Monitor system for HVAC/R and refrigeration systems for early detection of mechanical system faults. (See Cascade EWS) images/EWSbig.gif
Agritronics is now specializing in electronic instrumentation and controls product development for the primary and processing aspects of the agricultural industry. (See Agritronics) images/Agrilogobig.gif

Biomedical and Environmental:

Spectrofluorimeter for clinical measurement of DNA concentration, control electronics for a thermal reactor for clinical replication of DNA molecules, control electronics for dispensing and mixing bio-hazardous materials (See Tyler Research)
Control electronics for a dielectric type ozone generator for water purification systems.
Prescription timer reminder system including programming station and portable timer modules to assist with patient prescription compliance. (See ALR Technologies) images/DSCN0499.gif (384584 bytes)

CTM's experience with taking a product from its conceptual stages through to a commercialized product will help your product be a success. Send us an email about your project!

9407 27 Ave. N.W. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6N 1C9
phone: (780) 413-4285    
Concepts to Market is a division of LJB Agritronics Ltd.
© 2018 Concepts to Market