It's story time. . . CTM is dedicated to designing high-quality products
that meet and exceed the requirements of our clients.
Our products have helped various industries by being functional, reliable,
technically advanced, cost effective, practical and serviceable.
Here are some specific examples:
One client came to us with an instrument that they were importing from the
United States. The product did not work properly in the more severe weather
conditions in north central Alberta. The manufacturer did not want to make
changes to the product because they thought that it worked fine for them.
We used the basic concept and developed a new product that had many improvements
in functionality. Our client is considering exporting the new product back
to the United States.
We designed a controller for line painting trucks that repaint lines on
highways. We wanted the units to be reliable because the painting season is
short and they cannot afford to have a truck down because of a failed control
system. This equipment is mounted on a truck with a large engine driven
compressor and generator so there is lots of vibration. There is paint
mist everywhere so the environment is very dirty. Some of these units
have been running flawlessly since 1993, we had the first pair of
controllers back this year to get new labels because the labels were
worn through.
technically advanced:
Our principals and staff are named as inventors on eight US and Canadian
Patents. We have presented papers at several technical societies. One
client needed to find a way to automatically process signal data received
from a oil well depth measurement instrument (we designed the instrument
for them as well). Normally, the data collected is plotted out in a long
strip chart and analyzed manually to try to figure out the depth of the
fluid in the well. We used criteria that a person would use to visually
analyze the data. We invented a digital analysis algorithm that would
perform the analysis in the instrument with excellent correlation to the
best manual analysis.
cost effective:
One client wanted to make a clinical instrument that would do a dedicated
function; measure the concentration of DNA molecules in a test tube sample.
The lab instrument that could do this function cost about $100k and was
about the size of a desk. It required a skilled operator to run that
instrument and perform the required calibrations. We designed a small
instrument about the size of a loaf of bread that would do the
spectrofluorimeter function amazingly well. We developed a simple calibration
procedure using reference samples. The instrument could be used in a
clinical lab with essentially no training, and the cost to the lab was
about $2500.
One client was using a lab instrument for doing field testing of buried
cables. They were lugging this instrument around in a field truck,
across ditches summer and winter. The lab instrument was very expensive
and not suited for portable use. CTM designed a hand-held instrument that
would do the job rain or shine or snow that cost about 10% of the equivalent
lab instrument.
One client wanted an instrument that would be expandable and could be updated
with new functionality over time. The project started in 1995 and there have
eight revisions, updates, and new feature enhancements since then. The present
firmware will still operate on the original hardware. Designing in
expandability and upgradeability is often a key design criteria.
9407 27 Ave. N.W. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6N 1C9
phone: (780) 413-4285
Concepts to Market is a division of
Agritronics Ltd.
© 2018 Concepts to Market